Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 16

Green IT : A 360-Degree Scan of Current Research , Projects and Initiatives
Characteristic Short Description Challenges Virtualization
Energy efficiency
Reduction of hardware by abstracting multiple virtual computers on a single physical machine .
Performance is an important factor of a " green " cloud . Use of effective energy control methods to minimize energy consumption on individual cloud objects ( servers , computing centers , processors , etc .).
- General optimization of virtualization process methods .
- Automated development of optimal VMs with significant resources , complex resource allocation and communication capabilities without impacting cloud performance .
- In data centers , data storage and data processing software consume large amounts of energy . To achieve energy efficiency , the cloud needs an efficient energy monitoring system , a complex energy distribution system , and a smart energy supply decision system .
Cloud instance serves multiple tenants of the same category instead of establishing one cloud instance per tenant .
Method of installing data processing applications connected to different data centers on a single virtualization server .
Economic growth and environmental friendliness are not always compatible . Green Cloud Computing aims to close the gap through sustainable clouds .
- Intelligent mechanisms for energy optimization of the entire cloud infrastructure .
- Privacy and protection issues .
- Design of a secure multi-locator infrastructure and secure access to the corresponding modules .
-Potential issues related to multiaspect thresholding , core resource utilization , and server downtime management .
Developing software with a focus on the environment , such as CO2 calculator software that can quantify the impact of a cloud on nature .
Table 3-2 : Green Cloud Computing characteristics .


In general , the challenges and requirements for green edge computing are very similar to those for green cloud computing . Perhaps the most important difference lies in the benefits of each technology . In edge computing , data is processed de-centrally at the edge of a network , rather than being collected and analyzed by a central server or in the cloud .
Journal of Innovation 11