Tours 2017 Tours 2017 | Page 6

Other Activities

Stand Up Paddle (& Lessons )
2 Hours & 4 Hours
If you want to see wildlife in its natural environment , this is the tour for you ! Immerse yourself into a captivating forest of mangrove trees , hidden estuaries , exotic birds and animals . For all ages and abilities ( Min . 2 people ).
$ 50 - 2 h $ 65 - 4 h
Diving Course
5-6 Hours Per day
Just imagine where you will go ! Begin your underwater explorations by enrolling in a Scuba Diver class . In this course you will learn the fundamental knowledge and skills to safety dive in open water . After the course you will be you will be ready to begin a lifetime of underwater adventures and discovering .
$ 215 - 1 day $ 615 - 2 days PADI
3 Hours
Mangrove Kayak : Paddling in to narrow mangrove Canals , this tour get you to immerse into the amazing mangrove ecosystem , with great flora and more than 40 species of fauna . Sea Kayak : It is a combination of adventure kayak in the ocean and snorkeling , having the opportunity to see a variety of fish and coral species ( Min . 2 people ).
$ 78 Each One
Nauyaca Warefall
6 Hours
The horseback riding tour is over a 12 kilometer route with three resting periods , departing from the office , passing by Don Lulo ’ s house , where you will have a delicious Costa Rican breakfast . After 25 min you will arrive to the waterfall where you can swim . Comming back you will do an stop to take the a delightful typical lunch in the Don Lulo ' s house again . No available on sundays .
$ 70 p / p
Surf Lessons
2 Hours
Surfing is a great sport that everybody wants to try . The lessons are two hours long . The first part of the lesson is at the sand where the students learn all the basics and then will be moved to the white water for practice . The privated lessons are available as well as group lessons for beginners and intermediate .
$ 60 Private $ 50 Shared
Yoga Lessons
1-1.5 Hours
Contact us at : Tel : ( 506 ) 8451-4590 / 4001-2246 e-mail : dinia @ we-sell-paradise . com
The yoga ' s concept comes from ancient Eastern texts , and one of the definition found is that “ yoga is the cessation of the
Private Class fluctuations of the mind .” About this idea is the yoga practice help us to learn to be more present and to find calmness even
$ 70 1 person in the most stressful situations . Yoga can help create an $ 80 2 people internal environment that is conducive to being $ 90 3 people conscientious about both our actions and emotions .
* Note : All the rates are per person , 2017 . Ask about children ' s rates .