Tourism Today Tourism Today | Página 2


We are quite proud of all our achievements in 2016. Last semester, our academic community organized significant events such as “Go to the museum”, a cultural activity in which students were able to explain in French the biographies and professional work of local artists; we were also part of the signature of a pact for the environmental preservation. The Food Festival was one of most visible events of the year thanks to the large number of students coming to see it and experience it for themselves.

There were a variety of flavors and smells. 2016 was also a good year for research skills development due to the participation of both teachers and students in several national and international academic events.

The Hotel and Tourism Administration Program was present not only in the classroom, but also outside of it. We visited three high schools in town to share with students the importance and advantages of studying Tourism Management in a tourist city like Cartagena where a big part of its income comes from that market.

Our commitment to inclusive tourism have been translated into concrete actions. One of them was a Chiva Tour to Old downtown offered to a group of children with special needs from La “Fundaciòn Rey” among many others. In this fourth edition, we also opened a new task to our students so they can share their experiences in college and in the world of work for those who are already working. Finally, we wish our readers a happy New Year, plenty of happiness, good health, and prosperity.



Hotel and Tourism Administration Program

Fundación Universitaria Colombo Internacional


N° 4 October - December 2016

Cartagena de Indias

Quarterly Publication


Dr. Mario Ramos

Academic Vice Rector

Dr. Álvaro Morales

General Dean

Dra. Brenda Martínez


Yasmira Mercado De Horta


Daniel Arboleda

Roger Castro

Danna Farello

Yina Julio

Alí Martínez

Maria Fernanda Ortiz Salguedo

Marbelis Sandoval

Lina Vera Cruz

Cover and back page photos:

Milton Miers Sierra
