Gastronomic Tourism
Latin America's 50 best restaurants.
Panama managed to enter this important ranking, occupying the 36th position with the Maito restaurant, one of the most recognized in the capital.
One of the things that makes Panama's cuisine attractive is the mixture that can be obtained in its typical dishes, a mixture that comes as a result of the construction of the Panama Canal. (Silvia Pellicer, Undated)
Castrellón explains that "The influences come from the arrival of the Spaniards, and then with the Canal, come multiple influences. All those who arrived created our gastronomy. They were people who arrived and adapted their recipes to the ingredients here. The sancocho, which is the most Panamanian, is a stew from Spain, where there was neither yam nor culantro. Our food is a mixture by obligation. "
(Silvia Pellicer, Undated)
Our cuisine attracts thousands of diners, our delicious dishes are a great attraction, if you are Panamanian try them to recommend them.
Gastronomy in Panama has been recognized worldwide and has positioned itself in the list of the best Latin restaurants. Recently, an important ceremony was held in Mexico City called Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants, in which the Maito restaurant, owned by Panamanian chef Mario Castrellón, was awarded.
When you visit Panama, there is no doubt about the wide gastronomic offer that the country has. This allows, among other things, that a greater number of people visit the country, contributing directly to the economy in Panama. (Silvia Pellicer, Undated).