Panama Have Tourism Strategy?
Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development 2007-2020
According to the analysis of the Master Plan, this is a Planning instrument that allows generating a vision to the future through techniques or methods to achieve the objectives established in the short, medium and long term according to the programs or projects that are established in its formulation. . It is a document that defines strategies for the whole Country, which was consummated assuring more adequate results, derived from consultations and Community consensus of all the Public, Private, Local, and other local Institutional Competencies. (Ministry of Tourism of Panama.)
The formulation of a Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development 2007-2020 is presented for the country as a broad Strategic Planning instrument, which involves all sectors with responsibility because it is:
A basic strategy of ordering the tourism sector.
An articulating factor of territorial balance.
An effective instrument to fight against poverty.
A tool of broad consensus.
A mechanism to enhance and rationalize the tourism sector in the time horizon of 2020 and until the following years.
A mechanism to generate a substantial increase in income and employment in tourism, at the national level, as in its provinces, counties and local communities.(Ministry of Tourism of Panama.)
Objective of the Plan
Promote sustainable tourism development through the improvement of institutional capacity at national and regional level (human resource development, research development and better planning of sector and government), and local (community development).
Ensure that the benefits of economic growth reach all sectors of the country.
Promote and rationalize the tourism sector in the 2020 time horizon, generating a substantial increase in income and employment in tourism, both in the national as a whole, as well as in its provinces and local communities.
(Ministry of Tourism of Panama.)