Flying over a country covered in 85 % forest , it is easy to fall into a doze during your flight but the conversation continued with those nervous to be in a small aircraft . At about forty ( 40 ) minutes later , the landscape moves from only dense forest to the majestic table-top mountains said to being among the oldest surfaces on earth .
And then she appears out of the dense Amazon rainforest- the Kaieteur Falls flowing from the Potaro River . Seated at the window on the aircraft allows the best view for photos and videos of your own of this national treasure . It is difficult not to be amazed by this site .
As preparation is made for a steep landing onto the runway at the Kaieteur National Park , the excitement increased . Created in 1929 , Kaieteur is the first national park in the Amazon region . It sits on the Guiana Shield and was declared a protected area meaning that you are not allowed to remove any items from the park .
Once out of the aircraft , the roaring of the falls can immediately be heard as it crashes over the mountain ’ s edge . The rainforest is often times cool and the air is fresh beyond compare ; one cannot help but take a deep breath once there .
A short washroom break at the Guest house is followed by a refreshing hike into the cool rainforest .