Apart from their size and beauty they also put on a spectacular aerial display when hooked . They make powerful runs and jump out the water with a wild thrashing motion . It is this fighting prowess that has given them the reputation of being a real river monster . They reside in the dark waters of the ponds and oxbow lakes that the river carved out over centuries .
These ponds are surrounded by giant mora trees and monkey palms that play host a variety of birds and animals . When you fish for them , it feels like you are being immersed into the heart of the jungle . Arapaima are a unique species ; from the way they engulf flies to the spectacular jungle they call home . Their home on the Rewa River is a prime example of how wonderfully diverse and healthy an eco-system can be if it is well protected .
The arapaima is one of Guyana ’ s most valuable treasures and reason enough to come pay this place a visit . This is an air breathing monster that is closer to a living dinosaur than a fish . They can grow to weigh 300 pounds and reach lengths of up to 100 inches . They have long , muscular bodies that end in a flat , broad tail . They are covered with elegantly textured scales that are marked with bright red blotches and barring down their flanks . Their elongated heads are intricately marked with a maze-like arrangement of grooves . Truly a sight to behold .