Kamrul Baksh , Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority
Nature lovers , much like myself are constantly seeking out new ways to satisfy their wanderlust . Because really , being able to detach from technology and the monotony of everyday life is a concept that we should all embrace whenever the opportunity arises . So , why not take a moment to silence the mind and regain that sense of harmony and childlike peace that was once so familiar ? Why not reconnect with the pristineness of nature and inspire a new beginning ? Captivating and breathtakingly stunning , Destination Guyana provides this opportunity and so much more .
Undoubtedly , Guyana is one of Earth ’ s last great tropical regions and frontier . From the subtle beauty of the vast Rupununi grasslands , and the striking allure of the untouched rainforests and riverain areas to the serenity of daily life along the coastlands , you will be marvelled by all that Guyana has to offer . Add to that , exciting opportunities to spot wildlife in their natural habitat , witness a diversity of cultural heritage and of course indulge in mouthwatering cuisine , and you have the making of an extraordinary experience .
What ’ s even more impressive is the fact that Indigenous People have been living in harmony with nature and wildlife for over a millennia , protecting the ecosystems that their livelihoods depend on . This forms the basis of our Community-led & Owned Tourism development initiative which champions sustainable tourism development in the communities that are involved . So when you visit , consider staying at one of the many sustainable communities and eco-lodges . The revenue generated from your stay will go directly back into the host communities for continuous development which will , by extension result in an improved visitor experience . Your visit will be a major contributing factor towards driving local socio-economic and conservation benefits .
Most notably , after a 2-year hiatus , our most anticipated national events have returned with a force . The Cricket