Tourism Guide Africa Travel Guide Tourism Guide Africa June issue | Page 39

10 KNOW YOUR AFRICA FACTS 01 02 Africa is not a country we are sure you know, that, right? There are 54 countries in Africa. 06 Timbuktu in Mali is home to of one of the oldest univer- sities in the world it was established in 982 CE. Sudan has more than 200 pyramids double the number found in Egypt. 07 Africa is a continent with a very high linguistic diversity there are an estimated 1500 – 2000 African languages. 03 People living what is currently Swaziland were the world’s first miners. 08 04 Africa and Europe are separated by less than 9 miles at the Strait of Gibratar which separates Spain from Mo- rocco. The largest manmade Lake in the world is found in Af- rica. Lake Kariba is located on the Zambezi between Zimbabwe and Zambia. 09 05 The world’s biggest frog is found in Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon its named the goliath frog. There were empires and kingdoms in Africa long be- fore the modern era some of the famous ones were Great Zimbabwe and Kingdom of Mali. 10 Except for Ethiopia every African country has English, Portuguese or Arabic as one of their official languages. T O U R I S M G U I D E A F R I C A 39 T R AV E L G U I D E