Touring Australia Summer 2016/17 Touring Australia | Page 7

caNberra Feature 59 from the desk After a very wet winter, I think most of us are celebrating the warmer weather, and looking forward to holidays and Christmas. There are lots of Events around Australia, the Tour Down Under being one of them. This worldwide event attracts millions of Tourism dollars into South Australia. Why not book a trip to Adelaide in January and have a look around while you are there. Plenty to see & do, taste the food & wine, see the incredible beaches and visit the wine areas of the Barossa & Southern region. Fly to Tassie - watch the finish of the Sydney to Hobart in December. Tasmania was voted the 2nd best holiday destination in Australia. We live in such a beautiful country, Tourism Australia are doing their bit with the “There’s Nothing like Australia” with a $40 million dollar worldwide campaign. The National Zoo in Canberra is something not to be missed. Stay in one of the cabins and have a lion or giraffe at your door. Separated only by a glass door. WOW! A big “thank You” to all of our readers, contributors and businesses who have supported Touring Australia throughout this past year. From all of our staff to you – We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy & prosperous 2017. ‘Till next time Enjoy our Australia! Julie Touring AusTrAliA disTribuTion: AusTrAliA wide & New ZeAlANd By PuBlicAtioN solutioNs (fAirfAx mediA) saNtos tour dowN uNder 30 ABN: 95 036 615 691 www.touriNg-AustrAliA.Net port adelaide 32 AdverTising/mArkeTing: [email protected] Vehicle reView merchAndise AvAilAble see PAge 96 for iNfo 6