Touchstone Volume 30 1809_Touchstone Volume 30_Joomag | Page 4

Touchstone – Volume 30 70 years of CPL continued... We’re also continuing to share the stories of some of our clients. In this edition of Touchstone we’d like to introduce Bruce Alexander who has been a CPL client for 60 years. We spoke with Bruce and his sister-in-law Dianne about his journey with CPL, as well as Shannon Jones one of Bruce’s CPL Support Workers (she’s been with CPL for 22 years!). “I started with CPL in 1958, when I was three years old,” said Bruce (pictured above and on the right). “I lived in Ipswich and we had to get up at 4:30 in the morning to catch the train in to Brisbane, where I had three hours of treatment. According to Dianne, Bruce’s mum Mary didn’t accept the community standards for people with disabilities in the 1950’s. “ CPL has changed a lot over the years, it’s much bigger and there are a lot more staff to help. It’s great that I don’t have to travel into Brisbane for support anymore, I can go to Ipswich near my home! ” 4 “When we were young, you never saw people with disabilities because people were told to keep them hidden or send them away for help. Mary was told to do that as well, but she was a determined woman and didn’t want to do that. “Mary was a volunteer at CPL for a long time, looking after all the children like they were her own. She was given the Sir David Longland Award for her voluntary service in 1983 by CPL,” Dianne explained. Shannon, who works with Bruce, agreed that things were very different back then, even 22 years ago when she started at CPL. “In my early days at CPL, support workers called all the shots and made all the decisions. The client wasn’t even asked what they wanted to do. “We are so much more client focused now. It’s all about what they want to do and when. “Bruce wanted to go to a show at night time, but he didn’t think he could because his regular time slot was 4pm and he thought he couldn’t stray from that. “I said, if you want to go at night time, we will make that happen! It’s whatever you want to do. We’re here to support you, not the other way ‘round!