TOUCH vol. 7 | Page 17

conventional medicine, “too little too late” seemed to be the theme of her treatment process from the beginning to end. Although it is impossible to go back and change the outcome, Dr. Valero believes that her mother’s cancer diagnosis could have come earlier, had doctors taken the time to integrate the exploratory power of touch, by performing a physical examination early on. Taking the time to apply physical touch could have provided doctors with valuable information to aid in accurate diagnosis, allowing an opportunity for early surgical intervention, and possibly eliminating (or at least delaying) the need for chemotherapy. Instead, this was an instance where it was too late to operate, and the drastic effects of chemotherapy created an experience of daily suffering. According to Dr. Valero “many doctors lose the sense of importance of touch in medicine as they progress in their careers.” She says “there’s an assumption that imaging and bloodwork can reveal more than a simple physical exam. However, in my years of practice I have actually discovered many tumours simply by performing a proper physical exam.” This is a powerful example of how the use of touch can drastically change a person’s prognosis, simply by helping doctors to recognize the cancer earlier, and address it through appropriate treatment. After having lost her mother to cancer, Dr. Valero became motivated to learn more about the disease and natural methods of treatment, so that others wouldn’t have to suffer the same way. Her mandate now is to give patients the kind of care and attention she wishes her own family had received when her mother was going through the same difficult time. Through using natural medicine to compliment the rigorous conventional treatment processes, many patients achieve remissions