Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon 2023 2023 Edition | Page 68


Congratulations , You ’ ve Done It ! Now It ’ s Time to Recover

What you do , and what you neglect to do immediately after crossing the finish line , directly determines your recovery after the marathon .

The Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon is demanding , so what happens when the race is done ? Now that you ’ ve done all the hard work and you ’ ve completed your goal , your body needs some rest and recovery . What you do , and what you neglect to do , directly determines your recovery after the marathon 1 . Your race to recovery begins as soon as you cross the finish line . It is imperative to adopt a mindset that the post-marathon recovery period is a large component of , and just as important as the race itself 2 .

At the finish line , try to keep active and moving around for at least 10-15 minutes 1 post-run . This active recovery is better than stretching , which may contribute to the soreness associated with the normal muscle damage sustained during the race1 . Additionally , this active recovery will help flush the metabolic by-products out of your legs and bring new oxygen-rich blood to your tired muscles 2 .
Within around 30 minutes of finishing the marathon , it is imperative to eat a carbohydrate-rich snack or drink with some protein ( to aid muscle recovery ), and to replace the carbohydrates that you have used during the race 1 , 2 . You ’ ve run like an athlete , now you get to eat like one , too !
In the following 1-2 hours , try and eat a balanced meal that contains , carbs , vegetables and proteins1 . During this phase of recovery , it is very important to keep hydrated 1 , 2 .
In the afternoon following your race , make time for a wellearned nap . It has been shown that 90 minutes is the optimum time for beneficial REM sleep , which is key when it comes to muscle repair 1 , 2 . During this time , avoid taking any antiinflammatory painkillers , specifically ibuprofen , and in fact , these should be avoided for several days after your race , as they can damage your already stressed liver .
In the evening , try to consume carbohydrate-rich foods and drinks , BUT avoid excessive alcohol , which can dehydrate your body further , thereby slowing recovery time . Additionally , a solid eight hours of sleep during the nights following the race will aid in recovery 2 . In the days following the marathon , it is important to avoid people with flus or colds1 . Your immune system has been through a lot , so give it the time it needs to recover .
But when can I exercise again ?
Unfortunately , there is no specific and 100 % correct answer here . A few suggestions can be made , however . You may feel fine , in which case , hold your horses , because while you may feel ready to go , your soft tissues ( tendons , ligaments and muscles ) may not be 1 , 2 . Rest is your friend , in this regard , and jumping straight back into training may only increase your risk of injury 1 .
Still , we know that you are itching to get back into exercise , so here are some tips to do so safely .
• Give yourself the day off after the marathon , but two days later you may find yourself wanting to do some light activity . At this point , we suggest a gentle swim , walk or cycle 1 , 2 . Active recovery is better than sitting on the couch1,2 , and studies have shown that swimmingbased recovery enhances performance in the following days when compared to passive recovery 3 .
• In the week following the marathon ( 5-6 days post ), you can try a short run of around 30 minutes . During this time , try and assess any aches and pains that would indicate possible injuries or overuse that would require further rest or attention . Avoid speedwork and any significant hills1 . It is at this point that recovery time becomes personal , and there is no specific guideline to the amount of rest days needed . However , it is advisable that most runners should take at least a week off from training after a marathon2 . The key is , do not run if you are still sore and / or tired .
We at SSISA , the Totalsports Two Oceans ’ Official Health , Fitness and Wellness partner , want to congratulate you for all the hard work you have put into reaching your goals !
References 1 . https :// www . runnersworld . com / uk / training / marathon / a771428 / marathon-recovery / 2 . https :// marathonhandbook . com / post-marathonrecovery /
3 . Lum D , Landers G , Peeling P . Effects of a recovery swim on subsequent running performance . Int J Sports Med . 2010 Jan ; 31 ( 1 ): 26-30 . doi : 10.1055 / s-0029- 1239498 . Epub 2009 Nov 11 . PMID : 19908172 .