Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon 2022 Edition | Page 41



From trading hours and COVID protocols to a detailed floorplan with exhibitors and a programme for the Running Summit programme , in the next few pages you ’ ll find everything you need to know about the 2022 Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon ( TTOM ) Expo and Race Pack Collection .

The Two Oceans Marathon Expo is the largest running-related expo in the Western Cape and takes place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre ( CTICC ), attracting up to 55,000 visitors over three days . Besides being the official race number collection point for the Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon and Half Marathon , the Expo has become much more than just a running expo , and now includes top sporting brands , apparel , supplements , outdoor adventure sports and sporting tours , to name just a few .

This lifestyle expo offers you all you need to know about road running and related elements under one roof . Of particular interest in 2022 will be the Totalsports stand , so make sure to visit this truly special serving of running-related gear and more from our Title Sponsor .
The 2022 TTOM Expo will take place at in the CTICC2 hall , at 1 Lower Long Street , and will be open during the following hours :
• Wednesday 13 April : 9am to 7pm
• Thursday 14 April : 9am to 7pm
• Friday 15 April : 9am to 5pm
Please note that the Expo will end on Friday 15 April , but Race Pack Collection for the Ultra Marathon will still be open on Saturday 16 April , from 8am to 5pm .

COVID-19 Protocols

For the 2022 TTOM Expo and Race Pack Collection , you must please present proof of vaccination when visiting the CTICC venue , should you have been vaccinated . You can present your physical vaccination card or digital vaccination certificate . If not vaccinated , and should you fail the temperature screening , you will need to provide proof of a negative PCR test that was taken not more than 72 hours before .
Testing will be available on-site at the Expo , provided by Callouts , a mobile COVID-19 testing solution . Callouts ’ testing and technical staff will be available on the following days and times :
• Wednesday 13 April : 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM
• Thursday 14 April : 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM
• Friday 15 April : 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Unvaccinated runners and Expo visitors are asked to please pre-book your testing slot using this link : https :// cutt . ly / xFpge2l . All tests are for runners ’ and visitors ’ own cost , and will be charged at R150 . ( Testing for all unvaccinated exhibitors will be between 7 AM and 8:30 AM on Wednesday 13 April .)
Now turn the page to check out the Expo floorplan , including the Race Pack Collection area and all the exhibitors , to help you plan your visit to the Expo . This year also sees the inaugural Running Summit , featuring top athletes , sports scientists , sports journos and running-related topics , including the philanthropy of running-related causes , and the full programme for the three days of the Expo are on pages 46 to 48 .
Each runner is required to collect their own race pack . In line with our approved event framework , we are required to track each runner ’ s COVID-19 status in the lead-up to race day , and thus the screening at Expo is compulsory .