Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon 2022 Edition | Page 13


COVID Fact Sheet

As we are all aware after two years of the pandemic , we need to be careful about potentially spreading or contracting the COVID-19 virus , especially now that events are coming back and larger gatherings are being allowed . So please read this COVID-19 Public Health Info Sheet and make sure your Two Oceans Marathon experience is a healthy one . – COMPILED BY DR LYNELLE HOEKS AND DR ADRIAN ROTUNNO
Most common symptoms of COVID :
• Fever
• Cough
• Congestion
• Tiredness
• Loss of taste or smell
Less common symptoms of COVID :
• Sore throat
• Headache
• Aches and pains
• Diarrhoea
• A rash on skin , or discolouration of fingers or toes
• Red or irritated eyes
Serious symptoms of COVID :
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Loss of speech or mobility , or confusion
• Chest pain
Please seek immediate medical attention if you have any serious symptoms . If you have mild symptoms , but are otherwise healthy , you should manage your symptoms at home . On average , it takes five to six days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show , but note that it can sometimes take up to 14 days .

Prevent the spread !

Hand washing / sanitising :
• wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20s
• use sanitiser ( at least 60 % alcohol ) after being in public places and after coughing or sneezing .
Wear a mask in public spaces :
• COVID is spread via droplets in the air from an infected person . Wearing a mask can reduce your risk of inhaling these droplets .
Avoid close contact :
• Stand apart when talking
• Avoid shaking hands
• Keep windows open in rooms , or when travelling in the car or on public transport .
Contain your sneeze :
• Sneeze or cough into your elbow or a tissue , discard the tissue immediately , and wash your hands or sanitise afterwards .
Stay at home :
• If you feel unwell , e . g . with coughing , body aches , fever , sore throat , blocked nose or other flu-like symptoms ), then stay at home !