Was the music first or was the story line written and then you went into the tracks ? Emily : The story was completely written
before the music was created . We did some demos , and stuff like that , before everything had come together but then I stopped and I really went into the story . I tweaked everything and put it all together for that first comic before we released Volume 1 because I wanted to make sure that everything correlated perfectly . It seemed like I had to take a step back to make it all sync together .
Do you see September as kind of a superhero ? Emily : She ’ s a hero character with hero story
arc and storyline . And her character is a hero ’ s journey . It ’ s very translucent for that . Because of her powers and what she does , and her fascination with life and death , she ’ s viewed in the beginning as not what you think a hero should be . It ’ s kind of like an anti-hero because she ’ s bringing death . Once you get into the story , and you figure out what she ’ s actually doing , she ’ s granting second chances at life to right their wrongs or work out whatever they need to do , which seems like more of a heroic story arc . Then again , on top of that , you have the fact that she ’ s playing God , which is not a heroic act . There ’ s all of this dichotomy between all of her different facets of who she is . I think that ’ s what makes her an interesting character . Is she a hero ? Is she not a hero ? What is she really ? I think she is just a mirror for the human existence . We ’ re all kind of like this one big orb of darkness and light in this world together . Nobody is ever just purely good or purely evil . There ’ s all sort of stuff involved and I think she is very much a resemblance of that .
Do you think that September has the potential issue of playing God too much ? Emily : I think that comes into play a lot .
That ’ s a question that is interesting to figure
The genre overall of female led bands and female led projects that are going on , to me , is taking over the industry . You ’ ve got In This Moment , your project that ’ s blowing up , Letters From The Fire , so what do you think is going on right now ? Emily : I have a feeling there ’ s a lot more to
be seen from the female perspective in heavy music . I think it ’ s an interesting industry get into , this kind of male dominated field . I just hope there ’ s more and more women in it .
What do you see is a common mistake by the artists who are trying to work their way up through the way that you did ? Emily : I really don ’ t know . I think a suggestion would be to just get out there and play . That ’ s what you ’ ve got to do . You just have to get out there and build your fan base . Nobody is going to do it for you . It ’ s not like you get signed and you just blow up . There ’ s a lot of work involved and when you get signed , it ’ s even more work . There ’ s no magic ticket . There ’ s no magic wand that someone is waving over you and you become huge . It ’ s a lot of work and you just have to be prepared for that and also not seeing a lot of crazy money in the beginning . It doesn ’ t happen like that . It ’ s stepping stones , you know , and I think that people need to realize that more .
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What Amaranthe were Twitter the stepping stones Amaranthe to give Website you such a preparedness Buy Maximalismfor this ? Emily : I grew up in a theatrical household
and theatrical background ( i . e . dance and movement , theater , vocal stuff ). It was just all around different aspects of art , in general , and I think that ’ s what kind of crafted me to be who I am today .
Do you think artists , to gain more exposure , should be giving away their music ? Or is this something they should keep closer to the vest and do it piece by piece ?
Emily : I think it all depends on what way you want to release your project . It ’ s all dependent on your plans so I can ’ t really answer that .
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