Total Focus Australia Information Memorandum Information Memorandum | Page 35

Overview of a Passionate Life
The Director of TFA produced , directed , wrote and liaised with talent , media , speakers and schools . It was a great opportunity for the youth of the Central Coast . Our engaging educational presentation , “ A Passionate Life ”, took our audience on a journey from early childhood , through school ( both primary and high school ), mid-life and finally to retirement . It focused on the key development stages of people ’ s lives as they progress through life , their attitudes to current career challenges , educational milestones and the options that are available and which can entirely change the outcome of this path .
The final stage of the career journey , being retirement , is a direct outcome of some of these decisions and outcomes . This was represented by using actors , professional educators , celebrities , specialist professionals and members of the community who have accomplished amazing things . TFA utilised performers and musical items to keep the audience engaged .
TFA ’ s services assist people of all ages in crises to plan and change their careers throughout important stages of their lives , as well as offering course management and individual psychological counselling support to cope with those life milestones and crises that often can misdirect our paths in life .
Total Focus Australia operates in many areas of Australia including Sydney , Melbourne , Brisbane and Newcastle as well as the Central Coast , and even provides skype services to Regional Australia . TFA work with people with psychological challenges , learning and processing issues , personality limitations , as well as working with students leaving school and universities in setting up their career paths for life .
Basically , “ TFA ” is there for youth through to the elderly . The Director feels passionately that the feeling of failure and hopelessness that our youth can sometimes face after completing school is a contributing factor , or even sometimes the actual trigger for youth to feel depressed and confused . It was this concern that drove the desire to host the event for the community at large and particularly on the NSW Central Coast . It is when children leave school at either year 10 or year 12 that the normal structure and support services often stop for them , and this is when they need to understand that many services are still available but need to be sought out .
The message to all is that despite learning difficulties and differences , there is hope . As a team , the professionals in the community are available to assist to ensure that every youth member in society has an opportunity to have “ A Passionate Life .”
TFA involved humour , theatrics and music to engage the audience and introduce them to exciting speakers from Celebrity , Educational , Government and Community sectors to walk us through topical information that connects us with the issues and choices that are highlighted at each stage of development , again , highlighting issues that can be confronting to all of us when we make choices about further education , careers , how to