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12 Torque Autos December 2016 A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT KIND OF CAR EVENT! WILTON CLASSIC AND SUPERCAR IS GO! 3-4 JUNE 2017 Wilton Classic and Supercar - a major new event for the 2017 international au‐ tomotive calendar and beyond - is con‐ irmed for the weekend of 3-4 June 2017. he event will take place at the iconic Wilton House, which has been home to the Earls of Pembroke since Tudor times. Designed as a season-opener, Wilton Classic and Supercar is the perfect place for guests to not only to see and hear some of the greatest high-performance cars of all time, but also to learn about the people that make automotive history. he all-new accompanying website is now live, too - a story-telling portal whereby the Wilton community can share their automotive tales and interact. Bringing together the latest and greatest supercars from around the world and their equally iconic predecessors, WCS 2017 will stand apart in the packed inter‐ national calendar of car events. he WCS brand slogan sums it all up: 'Celebrating the Stories Behind the Cars We Love'. Wilton Classic and Supercar will com‐ prise over 10 sub-events, each one very different, providing entertainment and fascination throughout the weekend. De‐ tails of these will be revealed in the months leading up to the weekend and are shaped around three core events: the Wilton Wow!, the Wilton 6 Nations and the Wilton 100 - he Concours d'His‐ toire. he Wow! will be a daily gathering of 150 of the greatest supercars in the world - pre-1990 on Saturday, 1990-onwards on Sunday. he 6 Nations, meanwhile, celebrates automotive excellence and culture from around the globe in six dedicated national zones, while the Con‐ cours d'Histoire brings together a diverse variety of models with rich and interest‐ ing stories to tell. Owners can apply for their car to be displayed at Wilton Clas‐ sic and Supercar 2017, via the all-new website. Lord Pembroke, whose fascination with speed, power and all things automotive gave birth to the event, said: "his will be by far the biggest venture I have ever started at Wilton, and is the result of 18 months' hard work. I have held relatively low-key supercar events here for several years, mostly as fundraisers, and super‐ cars remain central to my vision, but the all-new WCS 2017 will be something very different. We will have around 700 cars on display in a host of different fea‐ tures and will be telling the story of the car in completely new ways. his will be a show like nothing staged before." he show has also spawned a new storytelling website - www.wiltonclassicsuper‐ which wen t live on hursday 17 November. Designed as a story-telling portal, the website presents specialist writers to‐ gether with user-generated material in a format similar to that of Instagram or a Tumblr blog. Pembroke's Players - 20 writers making up the core expert team will set the stage for members of the public to share their automotive stories with the world. More information about Wilton Classic and Supercar, including ticket prices and further event details, will be revealed regularly over the months leading up to the weekend. LONDON MOTOR SHOW RETURNS IN MAY 2017 Selling out in its irst year, he London Motor Show was a great success and is now set to return to Battersea Park from 4th to 7th May 2017. Next year's event, which will see HRH Prince Michael of Kent continue as show Patron, is set to be even bigger and better with more cars, more celebrities and more fun family entertainment. At the 2017 show, there will be over 150 brand new cars from major manufactur‐ ers and dealerships, including Tesla, As‐ ton Martin, Fiat, Hyundai, Nissan and Zenos. Visitors will have the chance to get up close and personal with these re‐ cently launched cars. In addition, a selec‐ tion of iconic historic vehicles will also be on display, showcasing the heritage of some of the world's best-loved marques. ous key models sold, it was a success for both ourselves as organisers and our ex‐ hibitors. We are very much looking for‐ ward to welcoming new and returning visitors to Battersea Park in May and are sure the 2017 event will build on a great irst year." Last year the show attracted 25,000 visi‐ tors, with tickets sold out on Saturday and Sunday, with information from the show reaching a national and interna‐ tional audience. he inal batch of early bird adult tickets are on sale now at just £15, with children aged 11 or under going free (two chil‐ dren per paying adult), and can be pur‐ chased at, where further information about the event is also available. Attendees will also get the chance to learn about the latest technology through exhibits from companies show‐ casing developments related to safety, electric vehicles, fuel alternatives and even driverless cars. he London Motor Show has a range of exciting features and activities suitable for attendees of all ages. From virtual re‐ ality racing and the chance to meet mo‐ toring legends, to immersive simulator driving experiences, there is something for everyone. And it doesn't end when the show closes. he evenings will see private previews and dinners taking place, supporting motoring charities including he Sean Edwards Foundation and RoadSafe. For advertising information [email protected] Alec Mumford, Chairman of he Lon‐ don Motor Show, said: "he inaugural show exceeded our expectations. With sell-out crowds over the weekend, close to 100 test drives arranged and numer‐ Published by 3C Creatve Media