the case for websites
by jonathan yuan, massachusetts jcl tech coordinator
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these tasks, I found myself enjoying my job more and more each day, being able to make additions to and improve my work both in design and content.
Though it may seem pretty daunting to learn about the many different coding languages and see lines upon lines of indecipherable letters and characters, the process of making a website is actually quite simple. If you do have experience with coding, Adobe apps like Dreamweaver or Muse will allow you to fully utilize your abilities to make a complex website entirely on your own. However, for those who don’t have that kind of experience, there are quite a few websites that allow for really easy and manageable website design. Sites like Weebly and Wix allow for the user to devote themselves solely to content, utilizing templates and drag-and-drop systems to streamline the process. Even if you have minimal experience with coding, these programs will allow you to make a site that truly showcases the depth of your organization.
I encourage all of you to consider making a website for your chapters, especially if your organization does not currently have one. My experiences as BLSJCL Webmaster and Massachusetts JCL Technical Coordinator have seriously impacted my life in a way I would never have expected coming into office. Best of luck, and make sure to get busy utilizing the interwebs to your utmost ability!
The Internet is a powerful invention. It allows us to entertain ourselves with cat videos and contact our friends and family from across the globe. But, the Internet has a more important function: it allows us to spread information and publicize the ideas and topics that we care about. That is the power of the website, especially within the Junior Classical League.
Personally, I believe that the website is one of the most important duties of any JCL club (though I may be biased). It allows for communication between both the officers and the members of the organization, and it serves as a highly effective method of distributing information regarding both activities and our purpose of spreading knowledge of antiquity in the modern world. Websites are easily findable and are an easy source of publicity and contact to the world, whether they know about the JCL or not. The website is powerful, more powerful than it is often thought to be within the chaotic atmosphere of event planning and fundraising.
As the Boston Latin School Junior Classical League Webmaster, I gained experience working on the website and interacting with my fellow board members to publish information regarding their work. I tried to create a site that was easy to navigate and always had the most recent information presented concerning all aspects of the organization. Being webmaster also is a really interesting job because it combines design with information, making it a very
detail-oriented job. Through completing