by felix jarvis-earle, north carolina jcl first vp
results, continued
Madison West
Cyrus Guderyon
5th place, Greek Derivatives
University School of Milwaukee
Caleb Saffold
1st place overall, Olympika
1st place, 100-yard Backstroke
1st place, 50-yard Backstroke
1st place, 50-yard Butterfly
1st place, 50-yard Breaststroke
1st place, 100-yard Freestyle
1st place, 100-yard Medley
2nd place, 200-yard Freestyle
2nd place, 800-meter Track
2nd place, 50-yard Freestyle
10th place, Overall Sweepstakes
the story of times new roman
As Latin students, our favorite question is, "Cūr." We ask, "Why is the passive periphrastic not so passive?" "Why didn't Caesar trust in the omens before his death?" and, of course, "Why do we have to do our MLA papers in 12 point Times New Roman font?"
So what is up with Times New Roman? Why is it called that, and why do all teachers insist that we use this font that doesn't seem so Roman, at least at first glance? You may or may not have wondered about this common font's origin, but let me assure you, its history is as interesting as the story of the Horatii brothers.
It all started in 1529 when a German poet, Lügenpresse, met with his local print shop to publish his set of Latin stories for use in colleges all around Germany. Lügenpresse ran into a problem: he did not have the correct amount of money to have his 150-page book printed seven times. So he asked the print master if there was anything they could do. They came up a way to make the font smaller and the lines thinner, allowing more words to be printed per line and thus per page. This is all that is definitively known about Lügenpresse, but there are various different accounts about what happened soon after this.
What came after for Lügenpresse is hotly debated. Some folk legends claim that Lügenpresse was overcome with such joy that he started dancing in the streets and never stopped. Other, more reasonable accounts describe Lügenpresse pursuing a life of reporting where he, along with his friend the printmaster, founded one of the first newspapers in 16th-century Europe and reported on societal and governmental happenings. Some even argue that Lügenpresse never existed and it was, in fact, an English newspaper 400 years later that developed this form of typography. In any case, the story and accounts of Lügenpresse remain debated throughout typography circles worldwide.
There remains one question surrounding Lügenpresse's choice of font name. Why did he call it "Times New Roman?" That unanswered question has plagued thinkers for centuries, like you and me.
(Author's note: Lügenpresse means "Lying press" and was an anti-press and political movement in Germany starting in like 2014,This story is complete parody and that's why that name was chosen. The only truth is the sentence about the English newspaper creating it in 1929.)
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