meet the board, continued
Secretary Sabrina Zhong, East
What are you most excited to do as an officer?
I can't wait to help lead Spirit at Nationals! Also, minute-taking is pretty awesome.
What new initiatives do you plan to pursue?
I'm really looking forward to implementing Nationals Minutes, so that members of the WJCL who can't attend convention can catch up on what we're doing as we do it. Apart from that, I'll be looking for ways to make my minutes more efficient!
Do you have any advice for future candidates?
Get to know your fellow candidates! Have fun with your campaign! Also, make sure you eat before Open Forum. You're not you when you're hungry.
What three things would you take to a desert island besides food and water?
I'm going to make Magister Lubben proud and go with two verb synopsis sheets and a pencil. Nothing like some good conjugating before you die. Interficio, interficere...
Skittles or M&Ms?
M&Ms. Chocolate for the win!
Backdrop: Madison West delegates, dressed as the Apollo Space Mission, smile before GA 2. Photo by Katya Mikhailenko.
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