1st VP Shir Bloch, HHS
What are you most excited to do as an officer?
I am most excited to get to lead the cheers at nationals. Losing my voice is always fun and a true mark of my enthusiasm, and now I get to be a bigger part of it.
What new initiatives do you plan to pursue?
I plan to expand the WJCL both in numbers and in reach. For the former, I would like to organize events at the end of this school year, over the summer, and at the beginning of next school year. I want these events to showcase the fun and enthusiasm of the WJCL in order to convince more people to join our wonderful organization. For the latter objective, Margot and I have sent letters to Scott Walker, Tom Barrett, and Paul Soglin, in order to convince them to proclaim Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and Madison Classics Weeks, respectively. (Editor's Note: Soglin has since agreed to do so!) Additionally, for some of the larger events, to increase numbers, I will write to local newspapers in order to increase publicity.
Do you have any advice for future candidates?
Put yourself out there. Be open, make friends outside of your school, and make a lot of them. This is not only beneficial to you as a candidate, but as a person, and is part of the wonder of the WJCL. Also, don’t be afraid to run. The worst that could happen is you could lose, but in the process, you will have made friends and had an incredible amount of fun.
What 3 things would you take to a desert island besides food and water?
If I were stranded: A satellite phone and a GPS.
If I was there on purpose (yes, these can overlap, but I know you know what I mean): generator, router (for wifi), computer (with a stored credit card account so that I can order Amazon).
Skittles or M&Ms?
Skittles, mostly because I am allergic to M&Ms (dairy for those of you that will ask what I’m allergic to). If I wasn’t allergic, I would probably prefer M&Ms because I absolutely love chocolate (the real kind, without milk).
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