the Jews. Namely, he banned circumcision and attempted toplace a statue of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in the temple mount in Jerusalem, which sparked the revolt in Judaea led by Simon bar Kokhba—the rebellion was put down, but only after Hadrian’s hopes of a truly cosmopolitan empire were dashed.
Yet his reign, on the whole, was remarkably positive. He consolidated Roman rule, greatly improved infrastructure, supported the arts, and, with his adoption of Antoninus Pius—and his requirement that Pius adopt Marcus Aurelius—set the empire up for continuing success. His criticisms, though not unfounded, are quibbles. Nobody’s perfect. No one wants to be Caesar.
a look at hadrian, cont.
chapter updates
by camryn reid, homestead latin club co-president
Homestead’s Latin club has been very busy! We held our annual Caesar Salad Spectaculum and celebrated National Classics Week. Students could be seen throughout the week sporting Latin apparel, Spring themed cards were made for Newcastle residents, and Latin classes celebrated Rome’s birthday. Along with planning our end of the year Ice Cream Social, we are getting ready to move in the new board for next year.
The new Homestead Board:
Public Rep: Erik Sutton
State Rep: Therese Giersch
Treasurer: Lexi Deford
Historians: Elizabeth Liebau and Taylor Wicklund
Secretary: Chelsea Rowe
Parliamentarian: Rebecca Helmstetter
2nd VPs: Sara Kalkhoff and Katie McCarthy
1st VPs: Christopher Aceto and Shir Bloch
Co-Presidents: Camryn Reid and Chloe Wong
above: Homestead students made cards during National Classics Week. Photo by Angie Moyer.
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