Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 11

What advice do you have fo JCLers attending their first convention?

"That's an easy question. Be uninhibited. Have fun. Get out of your room and do everything you can do."

-Phil Power

"[Receiving the Silver Bowl] was very meaningful and I just felt special the whole day."

-Shawn Jennings

"The only convention I missed was UC David but only because I had a full ride scholarship. So being paid to spend two months in Rome was the only reason why I’d miss this."

-Jennifer Jordt

"I really admire the spirit of the kids...the special kind of kids that come to convention."

-JoAnn Polito

"I want my students to have the opportunity to experience the NJCL and all it has to offer."

-Melissa Burgess

"I enjoyed Latin and the classics in high school...JCL allows me to not only relive the fun of my past, but share my passions with the future."

-Andrea Stehle

SILVER BOWLS · Torch:U.S. · Fall 2015