Torch: U.S. LXXIV Fall 2024 | Page 9

ELECTION REPORT · Fall 2024· Torch: U.S.


two-minute-long speeches. All candidates, regardless of how many had prefiled for an office, appeared on the final ballot due to the 2023 Nominations Committee Amendment, in effect for the first time this year. Following the Nominations Committee Meeting, all candidates answered questions for The Convention Ear, (the daily — and occasionally amusing — convention newsletter) and gathered in Rocky Top Dining Hall for a candidate dinner. Campaigning began later that night.

Candidates and interested JCLers gathered for Meet the Candidates in the Student Union the next day. Organized by office sought, each candidate — often aided by fliers, tri-folds, or other materials — discussed their platform and answered questions with attendees. Immediately after the event, candidates hurried to General Assembly III, where each presented a three-minute speech before the assembled student body. Candidates continued campaigning with colorful posters, catchy slogans, and other creative methods around campus, often gathering for occasions such as Agora, the nightly dance or meals.

The Candidates’ Open Forum took place the next morning. Candidates, seated before the assembled audience of more than 10 percent of each state’s delegation, answered questions from Alden, their predecessors and the audience. Ranging from the creative — how much could candidates type about their favorite band with their eyes closed? — to the logistic — how will candidates carry out the manifold duties of their office in an organized and balanced manner? — questions aimed to highlight the candidates as people, not only potential officers.

Following a last minute round of campaigning, Voting Fellowship began at 1 p.m. that day. Delegations discussed candidates and amendments, eventually casting their votes via Google Form.

This year was the first in which candidates were required to reach only a plurality, rather than a majority, of votes, due to the 2023 Plurality Amendments. In this election, following analysis of Robert’s Rules of Order as well as the NJCL Constitution, the “Present” vote was not considered to be a valid candidate: thus, no offices would see a vacancy unless a tie occurred.

Candidates gathered in the Thompson-Boling Arena prior to General Assembly IV to discover the results of the elections. The 2023-2024 board then each announced their successors in reverse gavel order: Editor, Felix Chen; Historian, Philip Towbin; Parliamentarian, Isabella Ochoa; Communications Coordinator, Reesey Lai; Second Vice President, Audrey Lin; First Vice President, Yukiko Mitchell; and President, Lilia AitSahlia. 2023-2024 President Krish Sharma swore in 2024-2025 President Lilia, and she then led the 2024-2025 board in taking their oath. Each 2023-2024 board member then pinned their successors.

Convention also saw the results of the 2024-2025 Senior Classical League Board Elections and the National Committee Elections. Editor, Monet Shum; Historian, Emma Lahulse; Parliamentarian, Katrina Watson; Treasurer Ishan Pandey; Secretary, Kara Schwantz; Vice President, Maxine Mandt; and President, Jake Presson were elected to NSCL office. For the National Committee, Andrea Stehle was elected to Academic Contests Chair; Brian Compton to a second term as Constitution Advisor and State Chair Coordinator; Ashley Nix to Creative Arts Chair; Zachary Mair to Digital Contests Chair; Bennett Henkel to Olympika Chair & SCL Advisor; and Todd Wegenhart to a second term as Programs and Scholastic Services Chair.

If you're interested in running for national office or have any questions, contact our Parliamentarian, Isabella Ochoa, at [email protected].