Torch: U.S. LXXIV Fall 2024 | Page 17

Mr. David Jackson and

Dr. Generosa Sangco-Jackson





These individuals served at least two terms on the National Committee.


These individuals served at least one term on the National Committee.

Martha Altieri, CA

June LeRay Bates, NY

Liz Bouis, GA

Laura Long, TN

Melissa Burgess, OH

Penny Cipolone, NJ

Christine Conklin, VA

Terrance E. DePasquale, PA

Sherry Doerfler, VA

Geri Dutra, OH

Amy Elifrits, OH

Kathy Elifrits, KY

Stephen Gentle, OH

Laura M. Giles, TX

Judith Hahn, FL

David Jackson, IN

Seth Knowles, ME

William Lee, TX

Sherwin Little, OH

Edward Long, TN

Laura Long, TN

Susan Marquis, MO

Tony Martin, IN

Kyle McGimsey, FL/LA

James F. Minter, NY

Prudence Moreland, LA

Francis O’Brien, PA

Jim O’Neil, MA

Tom Reed, VA

Sue T. Robertson, VA

Generosa Sangco-Jackson, IN

Catherine Sturgill, GA

Elaine K. Tears, NY

Dobbie Vasquez, CA

David Volk, ND

Jeremy Walker, IN

Dennis Webb, LA

In memoriam

Dennis Bartlow, IN

Richard J. Beaton, GA

Jessie Chambers, MI

Anne B. Covington, VA

Edna Cunningham, OH

Belle Gould, TX

Lillie B. Hamilton, GA

Hazel Hayley, OK

David Levy, MI

Lourania Miller, IN

Estella Kyne, WA

Donald LaFountain, NJ

Rhea Miller, NM

Joan Myers, OH

Sr. Jeannette Plante, NH

Marcella Stitt, KS

Susan H. Bowman, VA

Kevin Fu, MI

Donna J. Gerard, TX

Kendra Henry, CO

Caitlin Johnston, IN

Nora MacDonald, WA

Robert McDonald, OH

Kurt Ristroph, LA

Susan S. Schearer, VA

Randy Thompson, TX

In memoriam

Augusta Gibbons, PA

Joseph Gilpin, FL

Virginia Jones, FL

Jane Nethercut, TX

Lilia AitSahlia, 2024-2025 NJCL President

Dr. Generosa Sangco-Jackson and Mr. David Jackson. The moment these names have been uttered, it seems as if an angel should descend from the heavens and announce that greatness is upon us — at least, that’s how it feels to me. See, the Jacksons are the reason I am even a member of the JCL, much less a national officer with the opportunity to write their farewell. They were revered legends at my school, a true power couple who inspired hundreds of students to join a Latin club (what??) or Certamen team (how do you even pronounce that — sir-tum-in?). You may be wondering what witchcraft they performed to persuade so many to drop the Spanish they’d been learning since elementary school and join the dark side. Although their secrets may never be revealed, I believe their kindness, enthusiasm for classics, and welcoming attitudes were an integral part of creating such a strong community. Even with a move to Indiana, the Jacksons have remained an indispensable part of the JCL (though they’re still Floridians in my heart). While we will certainly miss the Rules Barbie© and Academics Ken of the NJCL Committee, I know that the Jacksons will always be there for the JCL. Thank you for the indelible mark you have left on the classics community and countless students. We JCLove you!