The Mildred Sterling Award was created in 1997 and was named for Mildred Sterling, a Latin teacher from Waco, Texas. Mrs. Sterling attended every NJCL Convention from the first one in 1954 all the way up through 1996, and she even attended the 1953 planning meeting for that first convention.
This award honors those persons who have attended many NJCL Conventions and who have distinguished themselves with dedication to NJCL during their time here. This year’s Mildred Sterling Award goes to Mrs. Dobbie Vasquz of California.
Mrs. Dobbie Vasquez was Graphic Arts Chair from 2003-2008, co-convention host in 2009 at UC Davis, and Committee Secretary and Communications Chair from 2013-2018. Since then, she continues to volunteer at the contest office, and has sponsored many NJCL Officers. This past convention at Emory was her 35th NJCL Convention!
Ed PHinney Book Award
Mildred Sterling Award
The Ed Phinney Book Award is given to a distinguished sponsor or chaperone who has served the JCL for many years, often behind the scenes. It takes its name from Mr. Ed Phinney, a classics professor at the University of Massachusetts and a former president of ACL.
Shannon and Chris Sloan were presented with this year's Ed Phinney Book award. Shannon and Chris, who were students of legendary Tennessee teachers Laura Long and Kay Warren, have attended nearly 60 NJCL Conventions combined. Shannon has been a volunteer extraordinaire during her years attending NJCL Convention. She has run the floor for academic contests for nearly 20 years for the past two chairs and volunteers as a Certamen scorekeeper. Chris co-founded the World Series of Certamen and has served as a Certamen moderator for over 20 years. The NJCL is so very grateful for their commitment to the JCL and its students for so many years.
The Summa Cum Laude award is given to sponsors who have attended at least 10 National Conventions, sponsored a chapter for at least 10 years, and have helped out in a variety of ways on the local, state, national levels. John Chu and Kenny Van Eimeren both teach at their alma mater in San Antonio, Health Careers High School, which has won 1st place in the top-level sweepstakes at Texas State Convention for 19 of the past 21 years. Their Latin club has been over 100 students for many years, and they brought 43 students to National Convention this year. John co-hosted the 2015 National Convention at Trinity Univeristy, while Kenny is a former North Carolina certamen chair and served on the National JCL Song Task Force. They have sponsored multiple state officers, including this year's TSJCL Pesident, TXSCL Vice President, and NSCL Historian. Their program is one focused on JCLove and the JCL Family, and JOhn and Kenny LOok forward to many more decades of bringing students to NJCL Convention!
SPONSOR and Chaperone Awards
Unfortunately, this year there were no nominations for Magna Cum Laude Chaperones. If you know a chaperone who has been coming to National Convention each year nominate them here!