Torch: U.S. LXXIII Fall 2023 | Page 11

ELECTION REPORT · Fall 2023· Torch: U.S.


Meet the Candidates took place the next day in the Emory Student Center. As all candidates were campaigning in person this year, tables were set up throughout the room like stations for each office, and delegates had the opportunity to get to know candidates in an informal setting. Besides giving overviews about their platforms, they were also asked about which Roman deity they would be and their preferred order of putting cereal and milk into a bowl.

For the final event before Voting Fellowship, candidates returned back to White Hall, for Candidates’ Open Forum. To keep the mood light-hearted, candidates were first asked to introduce themselves and the subject of their personal podcast. Topics proposed included Taylor Swift, crocheting, and Olympic swimming. Then, moving to the more important question, candidates were then asked three office-specific questions. Highlights of these questions were a celebrity impression and doing another state’s cheer for spirit. 

Different from previous years, this year’s results of the election were revealed to candidates privately before General Assembly IV. Immediately afterward, during General Assembly IV your 2023-2024 board was announced, comprised of Editor Jenny Chen, Historian Trisha Iyer, Parliamentarian Alden Okoh-Aduako, Communications Coordinator Lilia AitSahlia, Second Vice President Natalie Allen, First Vice President Sophie Heitfield, and President Krish Sharma. The board-elect was then officially inducted and pinned during General Assembly V. 

Elections for the 2023-2024 National Senior Classical League officers and National Committee also took place during the 2023 NJCL Convention.

`Editor Maxine Mandt of Florida, Historian Kara Schwantz of Florida and Indiana, Parliamentarian Wali Khan of Ohio, Treasurer Noah Abuhajir of Wisconsin, Secretary Joly Lo of Kentucky, Vice President Raees Kamboj of Nevada, and President Amanda Roessler of Wisconsin were elected to the 2023-2024 NSCL board.

With Ms. Catherine Sturgill retiring from the National Committee, Ms. Krystal Kubichek was elected as the next Public Relations and Membership Chair. Elections also took place for the positions of Committee Chair and Vice Chair, and Mr. Todd Wegenhart and Dr. Generosa Sangco-Jackson were elected to these roles, respectively. 

The members of the 2023-2024 National Committee are Mr. Todd Wegenhart, Programs and Scholastic Services and Committee Chair; Dr. Generosa Sangco-Jackson, Digital Contest Chair and Committee Vice-Chair; Ms. Elizabeth Bouis, Convention Advisor; Mr. Brian Compton, Constitutional Advisor; Mr. David Jackson, Academic Contests Chair; Ms. Jennifer Jordt, Graphic Arts Contests Chair; Mr. Seth Knowles, Creative Arts Contests Chair; Ms. Krystal Kubichek, Public Relations and Membership Chair; Ms. Jennifer Luongo, Certamen Chair; Mr. Kyle McGimsey, Olympika Chair and SCL Advisor;  Mr. Christopher Rourke, Committee Secretary and Chair; Mr. Trace Turner, Publications Chair, and Mr. Sherwin Little, ACL Executive Director.