Torch: U.S. LXXI Spring 2022 | Page 29


by Elizabeth MacQueen

Salvete! The TJCL has been hard at work to prepare for our upcoming convention this April. As we plan to return to one in person for the first time in two years, many exciting events will finally be returning. This past winter, one of our chapters, Memphis University School had its very own “mini-Festivus.” As all of the West Tennessee chapters could not gather together, MUS held a small version with their Latin students, complete with catapult competitions and Certamen!


by Nick Sadri

Virginia has been busy this winter! We had our state convention in the fall, where our current leaders campaigned and were later inducted. Since then, we have started and continued a handful of exciting projects.

One of our current focuses is the Love for Our Elders Service Project, a non-profit designed to reach out to elderly members of our community in hopes of alleviating social isolation. We are also working toward creating a Certamen Committee, which would both educate newcomers about Certamen and create more opportunities for lax Certamen events. We’ve been working just as strenuously to make revisions to our Constitution, removing gender-specific pronouns to reinforce our emphasis on inclusivity. More ambitious, yet absolutely achievable, is a Twitch Scholarship Event meant to reduce costs for Virginia/National Convention registration. In an effort to better prepare our members for the National Latin Exam, we have additionally been working to instate the “NLE Prep Squad.” Regarding our publicity, we have proposed a VJCL TikTok account to widen our reach. We took a look at various schools’ activities within the JCL for our Club Spotlights, too. Lastly, we are wrapping up our state’s Forum publication, which will be ready in mid-February.


STATE UPDATES · Spring 2022 · Torch: U.S.


by Mona Khosla

Over the past couple months the WJCL prepared for state convention which was held at the end of January. During November and December, local chapters held different forms of bake sales to raise money for coin wars at State. Although due to Covid we were limited to just one day, the WJCL board worked hard to pack Convention with all the usual classics activities. This year’s convention included riveting rounds of Certamen, classics related art pieces, testing, and lots of spirit in Wisconsin’s capital. The long day ended with certamen finals, our toga banquet, the annual dance, and the welcoming of our new WJCL board. Though we had to adapt to the circumstances, Wisconsin had a great Convention!