Torch: U.S. LXX Winter 2020 | Page 3

EDITOR'S NOTE · Torch: U.S. · Winter 2020



you will find the classics inspired events occurring locally, state-wide, and nationally.

E corde,

Irene Calderon

2020-2021 NJCL Editor

Salvete, amici!



Salvete, amici!

It is well established by now that the state of affairs in the world we live in today is alarming. We face a pandemic of unprecedented magnitude; uncertainty looms on every horizon; and worry for the present and future abounds. My goal for the Torch: U.S. is for it to be a respite where you can forget about all of these hardships for a moment, and unwind instead. To this end, I have done my best to imbue every page with positivity and light.

Pets have always remained a reliable, supportive anchor during our times of trouble; they, along with their JCLers, are featured on the cover itself, while the cover story examines the relationship between the ancient Greeks and Romans and their pets. And, as the Saturnalia feast article acknowledges, whatever holidays or customs we celebrate, food is a common thread between them, helping to connect people regardless of differences. As requested by those who took the Torch: U.S. feedback survey I sent out back in August, two students tell the stories of their teachers, the heroes who foster and inspire passion for the classics. The talents of the JCL community are showcased with a modern myth and art, which were also requests from the survey.

Thank you to everyone who created art, submitted articles, and took pictures for this issue! If you have any questions, send them my way at [email protected]. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the winter issue of the Torch: U.S.!

Ab imo pectore,

Irene Calderon

2020-2021 NJCL Editor