Torah Umesorah Dinner Journal 72nd Annual Dinner Journal | Page 296

Mazel Tov MR. MOISHE AND CHAYKIE ROSENTHAL on this most well-deserved Avodas Hakodesh award. You are exemplary role models who personify the values of Torah and Chesed by doing so much for so many in the most unassuming manner. Opening your home week after week with a genuine warmth and enthusiasm testifies to your exceptional way of tuning into the needs of others while making sure each person feels cherished and valued. May you continue to go ‫ מחיל אל חיל‬and be zoche to enjoy the ‫ שפע ברכות‬bestowed upon ‫העוסקים בצרכי ציבור‬. With much admiration and appreciation, Esther Englard, Rochel Greenbaum, Chami Grossman Penina Katz, Mirel Kruger Ilana Hellman Lehman, Ahuva Mozes, Ali Myers Kini Myers, Faigie Rechnitz Rivka Strom, Rachelli Teichman Naomi Lewis Weisenberg 72nd Annual Dinner FOUNDERS DIAMOND RUBY CHAI GOLD SILVER FULL HALF QUARTER GREETING HOME HONOREES JOURNAL YEAR IN REVIEW WEBSITE BIRKAS HAMAZON