Volume 115, Issue 1
Page 9
Marine Safety, continued
Take a folding chair along as some events may not have a spot where you can conveniently sit (which should
be kept to a minimum anyway). Duct tape and weights for holding down materials on windy days are
Upon arriving at the event, if at all possible, touch base with the contact person you have been dealing with to
make sure you have parked in the right place and get directions as to where to set-up your display.
Regulations call for wearing trop. blues, make sure yours are clean and neat. Breath mints and avoiding
“troublesome” foods is recommended as you will be talking extensively with the public. The one exception to
the trop. blues would be in a situation where they wouldn’t be practical. When conducting an outreach to
fishermen on the first day of trout season for example, ODUs are called for to walk along streams to get the
word out to trout anglers, trop. blues would be impractical.
Try to stand as much as possible to present a “Semper Paratus” image. Present a military bearing while
remaining approachable. Greet everyone who passes by, inviting them to help themselves to the materials. If
someone shows interest in a handout, engage them in conversation about it but don’t go on too long about it.
Be patient, polite, and prepared to answer questions that sometimes cover a range broader than MSEP/AWW.
Don’t neglect chances to be a recruiter for the Auxiliary as well as being a MS Officer. I have had one person,
that I know of, join the Auxiliary as a result of talking to him at a public event. Having “business cards” to
hand out with pertinent information is also helpful and has in my experience, led to contacts that have opened
doors for attendance at other events.
After the event, if it all possible, seek out the contact person to thank them. Many times this will be when they
extend an invitation to attend next year or for another event that they will be holding soon. If you cannot
locate them, send them a thank you e-mail as soon after the event as possible.
Log your time at the event on a 7030 form and make a report of it to your flotilla and division.
Here’s wishing you success in your mission of getting the MSEP/AWW message out at public events!
Gregg R. Bollinger, Th D.