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Volume 115, Issue 1
Message from the Director
I have been your Director for nine months now and I have thoroughly enjoyed
visiting all 12 Divisions to include some of your Flotillas. Again, I am in awe and
am very proud that so many people want to give away their most precious
commodity of time and give to others in their community. If there are any
Division/Flotilla meetings or events that you would like me to attend, please send
me an invite.
From what I have seen in person, you are living my favorite quote from Spiderman
“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”; as you are taking your role
serious and are a positive role model to your community and youth.
I was speaking with Coast Guard recruiter YN1 Jamel Brown, and he has new
Active/Reserve recruiting pamphlets, as the ones that you have are outdated. YN1
Brown would love to ship as many pamphlets that you need right to your flotilla.
Please contact YN1 Brown at 609-484-8260 or email at [email protected]
to request updated recruiting material. Once received, please correctly dispose of
your old/out dated recruiting material.
We have been working hard in our office and we have processed all new AUX
applications, currently having no applications that are awaiting approval/denial.
We shortened the timeline from months/year to a week.
Please join me this July 5 to mark two occasions - congratulating Ms. Betty Kain
for 20 years of dedicated civilian Coast Guard service, not just 20 years but 20
years in the same job – as your Coast Guard civilian and welcoming BOSN Doug
Schubert, your new Operations Training Officer (OTO), who will be starting that
I am truly blessed to have been assigned working with you - an amazing
organization for the next few years. You have chosen well with electing
Commodore Kyper, Chief of Staff Dever, and the rest of EXCOM as they are top
notch and truly care about you and the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Thank you and Semper Paratus.
LCDR Victoria L. Taylor
U.S. Coast Guard
Director of Auxiliary
Fifth District - Northern Region
Semper Paratus
LCDR Victoria L. Taylor
Director of the Auxiliary
U.S. Coast Guard