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Volume 114, Issue 2
Topside Magazine- Spring 2017 edition
The latest edition of the Topside district publication is available on the D5NR website. Click on the “TOPSIDE” tab on the
home page and then “Spring 2017” to view the latest issue. DSO-PB Marks has identified the goal of publishing the
magazine four times per year. To accomplish this goal, he needs articles suitable for publication from the membership. We
are asking that Divisions and departments provide information to include in upcoming editions. Division information can
include discussions about demographics, AORs, special features peculiar to each unit, and other information that would give
the general membership an idea of the uniqueness of the Division. Pictures may be used to supplement textual material.
Departments may wish to include information about activities, training, schedule of events, personnel, and specifics about
coordination with national initiatives. Again, textual information may be supplemented with photos of D5NR Auxiliarists in
action in each department.
The next issue will be published in June of 2017. If you are reading this paragraph, then you know that the issue has been
published and is available for view. Divisions slated to submit articles for the upcoming issue are Div. 4,8, & 19.
Departments asked to submit articles for the upcoming issue are: Human Resources, Member Training, Public Affairs,
Communications, and Incident Management.
Thanks to DSO-PB Tim Marks and his staff for an outstanding issue and best wishes for continued success in future issues.
D5NR Strategic Plan
The D5NR Strategic plan for the next two years has been approved by National and is in the implementation phase in the
district. The plan aligns with the National Strategic Plan and will be posted to the district website for all to review. There may
be some revisions as the implementation moves forward and we would welcome input as to the success or concerns.
In accordance with the emphasis on members (OMOS), we would encourage suggestions and recommendations for awards
for deserving members. There are several categories for awards from recognit ion developed by individual Flotillas and
Divisions, to the Commander’s award for “Auxiliarist of the Week,” to Coast Guard and Auxiliary recognition, we strongly
urge our leaders to submit nominations for awards. There are several templates that can be used for writing award citations
that can be found on the National website and D5NR website as well. The pat on the back for a job well done is greatly
appreciated by the recipients who serve as an inspiration for all of us to strive a little harder, not for the recognition, but to
show what is possible.
Bravo Zulu to all award recipients over the past year, keep up the good work.
Thank You:
In closing, thank you for all that you do on behalf of the Auxiliary, the Coast Guard and most importantly on behalf of the
boating public. It is for their safety and well-being that we do what we do and volunteer so many hours. Rest assured that
your efforts are recognized by the Director, the OTO, the EXCOM and myself!