Monsterland Continued...
The owner of Monsterland invites teens
to opening day with a dare: “Let’s see if
Monsterland can scare the daylights out of you.”
Wyatt Baldwin is
certain that mogul
Vincent Conrad has
the perfect solution
to the plague that
has infected pockets
of the world
population. Instead
of isolating zombies,
werewolves, and vampires within containment
camps, Vincent has convinced governmental
authorities to have them transferred into his
eight global theme parks, including one
located right in Wyatt’s hometown of Copper
Valley, California. Simply named Monsterland,
these parks are intended to provide the
altered beings with equal employment
opportunities. But when Wyatt (along with his
friends) attends opening day, he is in for a one
big horrifying surprise when he learns the
red herrings before the real monsters rise to
truth behind this main attraction.
the surface. Crafting a well-defined and highly
Award-winning author Cash adds a new
colorful cast, Cash surrounds Wyatt–his lead
twist to a common monster theme.
role–with a balance of supporting and foiled
The concept of strange
characters. Cash takes all
viruses infecting people
the above-mentioned
and then turning them
literary elements and tightly
into zombies is often
incorporates them within
overplayed, both on
chapters that constantly
screen and in popular
alternate between
literature. That said, one
unexpected character
might quickly assume
scenes—thus, keeping his
the title of Cash’s twelfth
storyline fluid from
novel will follow suit. Quite the
beginning to end. After that
contrary! Combining the undead
is all said and done, Cash
Michael Phillip Cash
(vampires and zombies) with
closes on a bit of a
therianthropes (werewolves) while
cliffhanger. Per chance,
sprinkling in positive aspects of monsters (i.e.,
there is a sequel in the works.
from Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series), Cash
Replete with twists, turns, and plenty of gore,
throws readers off a bit with the idea that good MONSTERLAND is a captivating page-turner.
can possibly come out of beings so hideous.
Undoubtedly, there is a hideous side to his
Reprinted with Author’s permission..
fast-paced plot. But Cash includes a flurry of
“Crafting a well-defined
and highly colorful cast,
Cash surrounds Wyatt –
his lead role – with a
balance of supporting
and foiled characters.”
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