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The NH Method Of "Join Up"

24 September 2013

So how do I achieve this with my horses? I let them in the arena and let them check it out and do what they want. Then I accompany them. Depending on the horse and how he is feeling emotionally. I may simply do nothing and become the “example” of calmness for a nervous horse and let him seek me out as im providing comfort with that calm state of mind. Or I may play with something or pick at some grass and when I gain their attention invite them to join me in my game. Or I may just follow them and see what they are doing and then they will follow me and my idea. We have to use our imagination in a positive way and look at things from the horses perspective

I have a saying “Its not about what you can achieve with you horse, nor the time it took, but how you came to achieve it and the quality and feel in which you obtained in getting there.”

So has this made you question the common term of “Join Up” I hope so.

"The word Silent contains the same letters as Listen."