Leading You're Horse
18 September 2013
This not being his fault, he is not being "naughty" just doing what he feels he needs to, to ensure his safety and his needs are met.
So we must ask ourselves, how do we become his No 1 safety and comfort provider? How do we allow him to seek us for the answers when he is unsure? How do we engage him to want to be with us and follow us anywhere and through anything?
The answer is simple really, we lead by example. But what example are you now as oppose to what you could be to your horse? If we want a relationship built on trust and understanding we may need to make some changes for his benefit first, to then benefit you both.
Its not about "dominance" or being the "lead or alpha" horse, its about being the best companion/partner, who is knowledgeable to our "artificial" world we have made for these horses and helping them understand it but understanding them also.
So ask yourselves, what does your horse do when you lead him somewhere and why does he do it? What changes may you need to make for a better outcome for you both? Maybe its as simple as asking yourself, why would he want to be with me, what else can I provide aswell as safety and comfort?.. Enjoyment.