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"Join Up"

"Follow Up"

Aulanda Park

Whats our horses feedback when we ask to halter him? We should never sneak up with the halter in fear he may walk away, always be clear in what your about to ask of him and if he does walk away, thats feedback and we need to stop and think about what it means.

When we ask to lead our horses somewhere we are really asking if they will follow us willingly. But there is more to leading than just that, we lead by example, whether we are aware of it or not.

What is it? Over time i have found more and more people like to say or use the term "Join Up" as a problem "solver" for any issues they may have with their horses. But is the use of “Join Up” really going to address the “Problem”? Most often I think not.

AKA "Follow Up" or “Hooking On”

So what is “Follow Up”? Its a continuation of “Join Up” where the horse is connected to you and follows as you take lead on where to go. This term like term join up are usually used in liberty, but i believe they are similar on-line. So following up on the “Join Up” topic, we have “Follow Up’’. How do we achieve this?

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