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The NH Method Of "Follow Up"

25 September 2013

"Follow Up" or “Hooking On” -

In Aulanda Park, our approch is "Be With Me" - CLICK HERE TO READ

So what is “Follow Up”? Its a continuation of “Join Up” where the horse is connected to you and follows as you take lead on where to go. This term like term join up are usually used in liberty, but i believe they are similar on-line. So following up on the “Join Up” topic, we have “Follow Up’’. How do we achieve this?

Again this can depend on how we have applied a method to obtain join up. (See Join Up Topic)

So lets assume we have used the pressure and release method in achieving join up. Now our horse has come over to us and if we walk away he follows. I touch very briefly in the Join Up topic on why. So why may he follow? Let me first ask a few questions.

If you have your horse with you and he leaves you do you, chase him off and send him out moving because it was “disrespectful” or “rude” to leave you? Or do you stop and question, why did he leave?