Top tips for stressed out humans 2021 - ThisWorks | Page 15

Dare to set boundaries .

When we are feeling stressed out and resentful - we often need not look any further than the maintenance of our own personal boundaries . Do you feel stuck on a treadmill of over-commitment ? Ask yourself : am I doing all of this because I want to or need to ? Or am I doing all of this out of compulsion or fear ?


Boundaries don ' t have to be barriers or brick walls . They can be pliable , meshy membranes that compassionately mark out the edges of our capacity while letting others see into how we like to be treated . Start by defining what is most important to you , look at the bigger picture , buy more time (“ Let me think about it and get back to you ”) and practice saying no , as painful it is coming into contact with our limitations - sharing them with others only strengthens relationships .