Top Potys August 2014 2 | Page 4

Bill Clinton had several different qualities that made him a good President. But 5 that shined above the rest were; Clinton stood firm with his beliefs. Clinton was self confident and stood by what he said. Bill Clinton also fought back with equal resistence. Clinotn was a good negotiator.

One Document that Bill Clinton wrote was the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. This document banned the possesion of magazines holding over 10 rounds of ammo. This document also barred the manufacture of 19 specific semi-automatic firearms. This document also provided for 100,000 new police officers and 9.7 billion dollars for funding of prisions. This document also gave 6.1 billion dollars for Prevention Programs.

Harry Truman had several different qualites that made him a good President. But 5 that shined above the rest were; Truman was good at making decesions such as dropping atomic bombs on Japan. Truman did not lack any wit either. Harry Truman also thrived on the roughness of politics. Truman was also very honest. He was also bold and decisive.

One document that Harry Truman wrote was the Mutual security act. This act authorized more than 7 billion dollars in foreign economic, military, and technical aid.