Top of the Pile - Haus 2018 Rug Collection Rug catalogue_2018_R | Page 4

M O D ER N PATTER N STATE-OF-THE-ART Scene stealers in their own right; larger than life prints and oversized blooms make these designs ones not to be missed. INTERSECT RUG in Rosewood CYCLONE RUG in Thunder CYCLONE RUG in Blue Storm CRYSTAL RUG in Desert CRYSTAL RUG in Earth CRYSTAL RUG in Blue 240 x 340cm, R8 700 CRYSTAL RUG in Rosewood 240 x 340cm, R8 700 2 240 x 340cm, R8 700 160 x 230cm, R5 400 ; 240 x 330cm, R10 100 240 x 340cm, R8 700 160 x 230cm, R5 400 ; 240 x 330cm, R10 100 240 x 340cm, R8 700