Top JavaScript Frameworks july 2014

Top JavaScript Frameworks AngularJS: AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google, that assists with running single-page applications.It has some compelling features for not only developers, but designers as well! Getting Into AngularJS 1.All of your AngularJS application files will live in the app/js directory. declares the application with all its dependencies 3.config.js defines the routes, initializes the angularFireAuth module, and declares your Firebase URL as a constant 4.The controllers/ directory contains all your application controllers, separated into their own files. You will continue this separate file convention as the application grows. 5.The services/ directory contains all your application services, following the same file convention as controllers. 6.The directives/ and filters/ directories are empty, but they will contain all your custom Angular directives and filters. Overview: The Angular.js web site essentially carries out these tasks 1.When on the root page, the Angular.js will listen to messages sent via the WPF publisher over a web socket, which then gets broadcast internally using the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript to anyone interested, which in this article is essentially just the root page. 2.The user may also choose to navigate to a favourites page that will display some thumbnail images of their HTML 5 local storage persisted favourites. These thumbnails may be clicked on to show a pretty standard ColorBox (Lightbox etc etc type thing) jQuery plugin.