Top 5 Tips for Choosing a Product Sourcing Company We Are Garden: Vietnam Sourcing Insights | Page 3

Interview 1. Which countries within the Asian Region do you see as your main competitors? I see Indonesia and Malaysia as my main threats given the type of products that they manufacture, service level, and quality they can produce. 2. What does ‘Sustainability’ mean to your business? Sustainability and eco-friendly was important for our brand from the very beginning. As a result, we have a strict process when it comes to selecting the source of raw material. Whether our wood comes from the US, EU, Malaysia, Paraguay, Brasil or even locally, it all must be ​ FSC™ certified​ . We also comply with the protocol of using only non-formaldehyde compounds to ensure our products are as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible. 3. How do you continue to develop your export market and client base? We have experience in dealing with large international clients. Therefore, we understand that executing against specifications, delivery dates and price are key-components in developing and retaining our client base. For instance, we put an emphasis on developing ‘partnerships’ that help us innovate and align with the