Top 5 Best OMR Software in the Market Top 5 Best OMR Software in the Market | Page 3
OMR Software
Some of the many benefits of using OMR Software are:
Inbuilt Templates– One can easily design OMR sheets using the already available templates
which are even customizable.
Speed & Accuracy- OMR sheet checker software comes with a guarantee of rendering 100%
accuracy while extracting data out of the OMR sheets. Its speed of scanning OMR sheets is
another benefit that can scan bundles of sheets within few minutes.
Evaluation & Sorting of data- The data extracted from the sheets gets automatically evaluated
and is also sorted according to the respective fields and then further gets saved in form of a
computer file.
Error & faulty sheets detection- Another of its benefit is that it comes with a remarkable inbuilt
feature to detect error in the sheets and point out faulty files which can be rectified manually.