Top 10 Leaders Draft Chicago 2019 US Concrete

TOP 10 READY MIX CONCRETE INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS Elston Materials continues to impress with efficiency By Sarah Jean Maher Remaining at the forefront of the Illinois ready-mix concrete industry may seem like a challenge, but El- ston Materials’s leaders believe their business stands out from other similar companies for a num- ber of reasons. What makes the family-owned concrete manufacturing company special? According to Alex and Lenny Puig, it comes down to flexi- bility, speedy service, top equip- ment, and having a niche. “We serve a niche of smaller jobs,” said Alex. “We’re not limited to small jobs, but we serve this niche that is made up of sewer guys, water contractors, and plumbers.” Elston’s projects consist mostly of residential jobs, such as driveway and sidewalk work. Alex said their smaller job niche is working well for 8 – SPRING 2019 — Chicago Construction News them, since a lot of the bigger com- panies don’t want to do the smaller jobs. “The key with our niche is that we have the ability to do multiple stops with one truck. Since we’re able to pour fresh, mobile concrete on site, we’re not limited by time,” said Alex. “The traditional barrel mixers will have to get rid of the load in 25 min- utes to an hour or so. Essentially, we’re great for multiple stops and fresh concrete.”