TOORSO_DEC 2019 TOORSO_DEC 2019 | 页面 9

IronMan 70.3 CHAMPIONSHIP illed as one of the world’s toughest athletic challenges, ronMan . also known as a alf ronman is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC). The . refers to the total distance in miles ( . km) covered in the race, consisting of a . -mile ( . km) swim, a -mile ( km) bike ride, and a . - mile ( . km) run. Each distance of the swim, bike, and run segments is half the distance of that segment in an ronman Triathlon. The ronman . series culminates every year with a World Championship competition, for which competitors ualify during the . series in the months prior to the championship race. opportunity to show off Muscat’s stunning se ngs to scores of international athletes and visitors participating in the event. ational carrier Oman Air, state-owned tourism investment agship Omran and a number of hotels supported the initiative as well. ot surprisingly, more than , competitors from countries took part in the various races, cheered by large numbers of citizens and local residents who lined the routes of the respective events. The epicenter was an ronman illage sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism, with the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurs and a number of Omani craftsmen. t featured a shopping corner for sports e uipment and village, Omani crafts and entertainment centre for children, and several locally themed eateries. Oman’s Ministry of Tourism (MoT) lent its enthusiastic backing for the iconic triathlon competition when for the first time in the Sultanate in late ebruary . t was an 9