on the job
Missing a weekly college
session to complete a site
visit in Japan is not every
apprentice’s experience,
but for 26-year-old Ian
Peniston it was a memorable
landmark as he approaches
his AM2 examination in the
coming spring.
Ian and his colleague apprentice
Jack Wills work for Power Logistics,
near Chippenham in Wiltshire.
The company has carved itself
a significant niche in the events
business, ranging from rock concerts,
New Year celebrations, major fairs
and international commissions from
event organisers.
“I felt that learning
while working and
earning suited me
best as I wanted
to gain a valuable
trade and use electrical
skills as part of my personal
progression. I also wanted
the opportunity of travel. The
experience is challenging as
well as enjoyable and we
appreciate JTL Training Officer Phil
Paton coming to visit on sites and at
college,” explained Jack.
Both of the apprentices are
studying one day each week with
Wiltshire College, although at
different campuses.
Ian joined the company having
completed a degree in Stage
Management and Technical Theatre
at Cardiff, which he describes as
being “very practical”. A freelance
member of Power Logistics staff
introduced him to the company
and he was employed as a
project manager.
“I wanted to gain the electrical
knowledge so that I was able to
multi-task across the company,” he
explained, “so I was very willing
to take on the apprentice training.
Being a year ahead of Jack, both the
company and I looked to find the right
training provider and decided on JTL.
Applying the electrical understanding
to our various projects is important but
the work still requires the most careful
planning, consistently working to
deadlines with the associated stress.”
Among the many issues the two
apprentices have to tackle in their
work is the synchronisation of
generator power, because big events
need the certainty that if equipment
were to fail there would be a
seamless transfer of power from one
generator to another.
Jack (left) and Ian are pictured breaking
down a custom-made distribution board
to allow many of the component parts to
be reused in other systems
The service is chiefly one of providing
power and lighting, with a strong
emphasis on forward-planning,
preparing for the unexpected and
recognising security issues that may
involve celebrities or even royalty.
Over the winter months Power
Logistics has also been responsible
for cabling and power at 17 ice rinks
across the country.
Jack, aged 20, is in the second
year of his JTL apprenticeship and
says that the success of the business
has been all about safeguarding a
good reputation and winning the
trust of