Tone Report Weekly Issue 98 | Page 17

Magnetic Effects Christian Livingstone is an experienced touring musician from New Zealand who has rocked out all over the world with The Datsuns—a fiery supercharged rock band that remind me of The MC5. When he is not melting faces live on a nightly basis, he makes tools for face melting from his base in South London. Magnetic Effects represents everything that is cool about a successful boutique pedal company—handmade pedals using top shelf components, awesome original and tweaked classic circuits and last but not least, killer graphics. My favorite box so far is the Double Feature, which is now firmly fastened to my board. It is essentially an adjustable fixed wah rammed into a harmonically rich ground-up-designed germanium distortion—notice I didn’t say fuzz. The tone is strangely both modern and vintage, which is very unique. I look forward to reviewing more from Magnetic Effects; this is a boutique company with a bright future. 4114 Custom Effects 4114 Custom Effects comes from a relatively new angle of cloning expensive boutique pedals and building them to full customer spec. Of course, us pedal nuts know 4114 as the builder of the Flux Capacitor Delay, that thing went viral instantly, thrusting a DIY enthusiast in front of a global audience and forcing him to handwire over 5000 components per unit, while answering countless emails from around the world. Sound like a dream job? This is a fine example of how life’s little sonic adventures get started and a perfect way to end this feature full cycle. Speaking of cycles, Britain was in some ways the birthplace of boutique pedals with Roger Mayer and Pete Cornish making custom jobbies for their rock star clients back in the day. As a bloke who lived through the initial boutique pedal boom in the USA, I am well chuffed to see the spirit of the age floating overseas. It’s about bloody time. 17