OMPR one
ST-2 C
If a “transparent”
compressor is the
name of the game, it’s time to look elsewhere. The Guyatone
ST-2 is likely my favorite compressor ever (right next to the Boss
CS-1, MXR Limiter and Effectrode PC-2A). Even though it only
has two knobs, the sound more than makes up for its dearth
of controls. So many compressors these days feature a bevy of
dials in order to minimize the “effect-ness” of the compression
and leave it on the entire time. Sometimes, players may question
whether or not the pedal is ever on, and if not for the LED, they
may never know. In the case of the ST-2, that’s never an issue—
the tone is so beautifully squashed when it’s on. Rather than a
vice grip, the squish of the ST-2 is more like a high-end juicer, as
it extracts the good stuff and pushes it through the amp. The
slide switch on the front is a sort-of blend control, and turning it
on is highly addictive. Best of all, the ST-2 sells for a paltry $50—
now that’s squish on a budget.